Monday 9 May 2011

My aka...Craigs...AMAZING photoshop skills!

Scottish National Gallery of Modern Art

First floor

I thought that I could use gallery 7,8 and 9.
Build my own corridor that will display all of my masks.
I want to make 500 white masks of my own, using casts of my face then have another 500 that I have sent out to people to make and send back to me. Thats my final idea explained simply but in my proposal I will go into a lot more detail.

Sunday 8 May 2011

Modern Mask



I like the idea of displaying my masks in a narrow corridor. Where?


Where to put my work

Jan Kopper



An investigation into the everyday process of repetition, through the use of a specific installation system which combines video loops and multiple projections to explore our understanding of temporal and spatial repetition.

The work is the result of an intense study into the subconscious process of repetition; an influencing force upon the very structure of our society, which western culture responds to with a never-ending quest for originality. The video installations feature fragmentary body movements which attract the attention of the viewer through their temporal hypnotic rhythm and spatial displacement. They make us question the autonomous nature and routine of our daily lives. Do we act involuntarily in a process of never-ending repetition or are we self-determined and able to create something new?