Monday 18 April 2011


I've just visited the library again and found loads of books. Books on the Gods of Ancient Egypt, Pyramids and Tombs, Celtic Mysteries, Indian Mythology, Irish Medieval Sculpture, The Tibetan Book of The Dead and Masks of the Spirit.

There have been so many images that I've been attracted too and I've found it difficult trying to follow one defined route. However I did come across one painting by Rufino Tamayo and I think its been a major turning point for me. I am now really intrigued by the idea of a mask.

Mask to cover our identity
Death mask
Mask to make us younger to prolong our life
Mask of your past
We carry a mask of our parents
We are carrying a mask of death
A mask of fear
A mask of the unknown

I need to start actually making now. I'm not sure what but I really think theres a lot in this area that relates to my subject.

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