Thursday 14 April 2011

The Other Hand by Chris Cleave

I'm reading this book at the moment and there has been a very poignant scene in it. A little boy aged four is discovering death for the first time in his life.

Mummy, why did those Bruce Wayne men putted that box down in the hole? 

Lets not think about that now, darling.
I'd spent so many hours explaining heaven to Charlie that week- every room and book shelf and sandpit of it- that I'd never really dealt with the issue of Andrew's physical body at all. I thought it would be too much to ask of my son, at four, to understand the separation between the body and soul. 

Charlie then asks later...Is that box Heaven? 

I think its so incredible how much we can learn from children and how sometimes their views on life seem so wonderful and simple that sometimes you wish you could live in their world. The scene in this book is horrific but the book itself is amazing and I strongly suggest it to anyone who hasn't read it before. It got me thinking about Children's views on death. Even though at first they do not understand it, it will soon become something that will ultimately effect how they see the world. Or am I just talking crap?

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